Perimeter mall shooting today, active shooter Perimeter Mall video

Perimeter mall shooting today, active shooter Perimeter Mall video

Perimeter Mall video

The Dunwoody Police Department said that two people got into an argument in the mall’s food court when the death occurred. The two people exchanged, leaving one injured at the mall. The other was later found in DeKalb, also injured. He is now in custody.

Perimeter mall Wikipedia

Perimeter Mall is a shopping mall in Perimeter Center, Dunwoody, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta, near the interchange of Interstate 285 and Georgia State Route
400. It is the second largest shopping mall in the state of Georgia, the largest being the Mall of Georgia in Buford, Georgia.

The mall is anchored by Dillard’s, Nordstrom, Von Maur, and Macy’s.

Perimeter Mall is different from other shopping malls in Atlanta in that it includes open-air shops, upscale restaurants, and salons, connected by gardens and paths. It also features valet parking.

It can be accessed by Britney Fan Club (@funzoo143) / Twitter station, which opened at the southwest corner of its parking lot in 1996.