Bill Cosby’s appeal s@x refraining from testifying in assault laws:

A judge is willing to allow Bill Cosby to use his constitutional privilege and to avoid testifying in new s@x assault trials.

Los Angeles judge on Friday emerge strongly inclined to allow Bill Cosby. And to invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege to avoid giving a deposition in the lawsuit. And a woman who alleged he s@xu@lly @bused her when she was 15 in the mid-1970s.


And at a hearing to argue the issues Superior Court Judge Craig Karlan agreed, with Cosby’s attorney. The 84-year-old has a fair fear of again facing criminal charges. One or more of the many s@xu@l assaults (allegations) that have been publicly released against him. And has a right to avoid saying anything under the oath that might lead to such charges.

“It does appear he has a fair reasonable fear of prosecution. And if new information unfolded, that could cause a prosecutor to change their mind,” Karlan said. “I didn’t see how one could find to the opposite, other than Concluding that he was a reasonable fear.”
Attorney for Judy Huth, who was alleging Cosby’s forced her to perform an s@x act on him at the Pl@yboy Mansion around 1974. And are pursuing to compel Cosby to give a second deposition. Cosby’s attorneys declined the allegation. And he gave a beginning deposition soon after the lawsuit was filed in (2014). Before two criminal trials and a later-retract conviction in Pennsylvania.

Huth’s Attorney John Steven West, reason that accusations against Cosby’s have been Aired for years. And that all the alleged incidents date back decennary. He has said that any criminal activity would already have been filed.

Huth’s allegations:

“The facts that are known to many show that Mr.Cosby doesn’t have a realistic fear of prosecution,” And West said. “Even though for 16-years his name has been at the forefront of accusations of s@xu@l misconducting. And there has been exactly one prosecution.”
West pointed out that then-Los Angeles police investigated Huth’s allegations previously seven years. And that the district attorney declined to file charges, that other prosecutors have done the same with other Cosby’s accusers.

The judge did not buy the argument. Facts that prosecutors denied prosecuting, do not mean that a freshly elected prosecutor won’t take a different view. Karlan said, “not any future district attorney bound by a decision, not to the prosecute.”
The judge planned to issue a written ruling later, but the left little doubt that it would favor, Cosby.

Cosby’s lawyer Jennifer Bonjean argued, the judge agreed, and that the Pennsylvania case was a cautionary tale that applied here. Cosby’s believed he had assurance from a prosecutor. That he wouldn’t face charges and prosecute after making damaging revelations in a 2005 civil lawsuit.

“He told him they were not going to prosecute him,” Bonjean said, “after 10-years, they canceled it, after what and why he gave a deposition.”